
By Ves (other events)

Saturday, February 13 2016 8:00 PM 10:00 PM EDT

A new (very) short play by CJ Byrd. You're invited to join Gus and Sid—a non-monogamous, intergenerational couple—at their apartment for dinner and maybe a little cruising... if you're good. An intimate look at sexual deviance and domesticity inspired by eras past.

Written by CJ Byrd

Produced by Nicholas Medvescek

Featuring Rob Onorato & Christian Matyi


How the play works

'Captain' is staged in a real, South End apartment, playing in concurrent 30-minute 'waves'. Once you have secured tickets to your wave, you will receive an official invitation from 'Gus and Sid' including location and other pertinent information. Patrons with mobility issues or sensitive indoor allergies should alert the producers when purchasing tickets. Please note: 'Captain' contains adult themes and mild depictions of S/M in close quarters. If this isn't your style, you may want to consider sitting this one out.

About Mini Pros

'Captain' is part of a series of miniature productions designed to last no more than 20 minutes and require no more than 20 hours to produce. With only four collaborators working on the show, 'mini pros' are an experiment to see how much autonomy we can give back to individual artists when we strip away the needs of big productions and full plays. If you're interested in building a mini pro of your own, email producer Nicholas Medvescek at [email protected]